
QubitOperator.get_measurement(qarg, precision=0.01, backend=None, shots=1000000, compile=True, compilation_kwargs={}, subs_dic={}, precompiled_qc=None, diagonalisation_method='commuting_qw', measurement_data=None)[source]#

This method returns the expected value of a Hamiltonian for the state of a quantum argument. Note that this method measures the hermitized version of the operator:

\[H = (O + O^\dagger)/2\]
qargQuantumVariable or list[Qubit]

The quantum argument to evaluate the Hamiltonian on.

precision: float, optional

The precision with which the expectation of the Hamiltonian is to be evaluated. The default is 0.01. The number of shots scales quadratically with the inverse precision.

backendBackendClient, optional

The backend on which to evaluate the quantum circuit. The default can be specified in the file default_backend.py.

shotsinteger, optional

The maximum amount of shots to evaluate the expectation of the Hamiltonian. The default is 1000000.

compilebool, optional

Boolean indicating if the .compile method of the underlying QuantumSession should be called before. The default is True.

compilation_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments for the compile method. For more details check QuantumSession.compile. The default is {}.

subs_dicdict, optional

A dictionary of Sympy symbols and floats to specify parameters in the case of a circuit with unspecified, abstract parameters. The default is {}.

precompiled_qcQuantumCircuit, optional

A precompiled quantum circuit.


Cached data to accelerate the measurement procedure. Automatically generated by default.


The expected value of the Hamiltonian.


If the containing QuantumSession is in a quantum environment, it is not possible to execute measurements.


We define a Hamiltonian, and measure its expected value for the state of a QuantumVariable.

from qrisp import QuantumVariable, h
from qrisp.operators.qubit import X,Y,Z
qv = QuantumVariable(2)
H = Z(0)*Z(1)
res = H.get_measurement(qv)
#Yields 0.0011251406425802912