This Operators submodule of Qrisp provides a unified framework to describe, optimize and simulate quantum Hamiltonians. It provides a collection of different types of Operators that can be used to model and solve a variety of problems in physics, chemistry, or optimization. (Up to now, QubitOperators and FermionicOperators have been implemented, but stay tuned for future updates!) Each type of Operator comes with comprehensive documentation and brief examples to help you understand its implementation and usage:
Hamiltonian |
describe Hamiltonians in terms of Qubit operators |
describe Hamiltonians in terms of fermionic ladder operators |
We encourage you to explore these Operators, delve into their documentation, and experiment with their implementations.
Title |
Description |
Investigating the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with VQE. |
Solving the electronic structure problem with VQE. |
Calculating molecular potential energy curves with VQE. |
Calculating ground state energies with quantum phase estimation. |
Hamiltonian simulation of the transverse field Ising model. |