
QAOAProblem.train_function(qarg, depth, mes_kwargs={}, max_iter=50, init_type='random', optimizer='COBYLA')[source]#

This function allows for training of a circuit with a given QAOAProblem instance. It returns a function that can be applied to a QuantumVariable, such that it represents a solution to the problem instance. When applied to a QuantumVariable, the function therefore prepares the state

\[\ket{\psi_p}=U_M(B,\beta_p)U_P(C,\gamma_p)\dotsb U_M(B,\beta_1)U_P(C,\gamma_1)\ket{\psi_0}\]

with optimized parameters \(\gamma, \beta\).


The quantum argument to which the QAOA circuit is applied.


The amount of QAOA layers.

mes_kwargsdict, optional

The keyword arguments for the measurement function. Default is an empty dictionary.

max_iterint, optional

The maximum number of iterations for the optimization method. Default is 50.

init_typestring, optional

Specifies the way the initial optimization parameters are chosen. Available are random and tqa. The default is random: The parameters are initialized uniformly at random in the interval \([0,\pi/2]\). For tqa, the parameters are chosen based on the Trotterized Quantum Annealing protocol. If tqa is chosen, and no init_function for the QAOAProblem is specified, the \(\ket{-}^n\) state is prepared (the ground state for the X mixer).

optimizerstr, optional

Specifies the optimization routine. Available are, e.g., COBYLA, COBYQA, Nelder-Mead. The Default is COBYLA.


A function that can be applied to a QuantumVariable , with optimized parameters for the problem instance. The QuantumVariable then represents a solution of the problem.


We create a MaxIndepSet instance and train a ciruit with the QAOAProblem instance.

from qrisp import QuantumVariable
from qrisp.qaoa import QAOAProblem, RZ_mixer, create_max_indep_set_cl_cost_function, create_max_indep_set_mixer, max_indep_set_init_function
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(9, 0.5, seed =  133)

qaoa_instance = QAOAProblem(cost_operator=RZ_mixer,

# create a blueprint-qv to train the circuit with the problem instance 
qarg_new = QuantumVariable(G.number_of_nodes())
training_func = qaoa_instance.train_function(qarg=qarg_new, depth=5)

# apply the trained function to a new qv 
qarg_trained = QuantumVariable(G.number_of_nodes())

# get the measurement results 
opt_res = qarg_trained.get_measurement()

cl_cost = create_max_indep_set_cl_cost_function(G)

print("5 most likely solutions")
max_five = sorted(opt_res.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)[:5]
for res, prob in max_five:
    print([index for index, value in enumerate(res) if value == '1'], prob, cl_cost({res : 1}))