
tag_state(*args, permeability='args', is_qfree=True, verify=False, **kwargs)#

Applies a phase tag to (multiple) QuantumVariables. The tagged state is specified in the dictionary tag_specificator. This dictionary should contain the QuantumVariables as keys and the labels of the states which should be tagged as values.


A dictionary specifying which state should be tagged.

binary_valuesbool, optional

If set to True, the values in the tag_specificator dict have to be bitstrings instead of labels. The default is False.

phasefloat or sympy.Symbol, optional

Specify the phase shift the tag should perform. The default is pi, i.e. a multi-controlled Z gate.


We construct an oracle that tags the states -3 and 2 on two QuantumFloats

from qrisp.grover import tag_state

def test_oracle(qf_list):

    tag_dic = {qf_list[0] : -3, qf_list[1] : 2}
