
app_phase_polynomial(*args, permeability='args', is_qfree=True, verify=False, **kwargs)#

Applies a phase function specified by a polynomial acting on a list of QuantumFloats. That is, this method implements the transformation

\[\ket{y_1}\dotsb\ket{y_n}\rightarrow e^{itP(y_1,\dotsc,y_n)}\ket{y_1}\dotsb\ket{y_n}\]

where \(\ket{y_1},\dotsc,\ket{y_n}\) are QuantumFloats and \(P(y_1,\dotsc,y_n)\) is a polynomial in variables \(y_1,\dotsc,y_n\).

qf_listlist[QuantumFloat] or QuantumArray[QuantumFloat]

The list of QuantumFloats to evaluate the polynomial on.

polySymPy expression

The polynomial to evaluate.

symbol_listlist, optional

An ordered list of SymPy symbols associated to the QuantumFloats of qf_list. By default, the symbols of the polynomial will be ordered alphabetically and then matched to the order in qf_list.

tFloat or SymPy expression, optional

The argument t in the expression \(\exp(itP)\). The default is 1.


Provided QuantumFloat list does not include the appropriate amount of elements to encode given polynomial.


We apply the phase function specified by the polynomial \(P(x,y) = \pi x + \pi xy\) on two QuantumFloats:

import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
from qrisp import QuantumFloat, h, app_phase_polynomial

x, y = sp.symbols('x y')
P = np.pi*x + np.pi*x*y

qf1 = QuantumFloat(3, signed = False)
qf2 = QuantumFloat(3,-1, signed = False)

app_phase_polynomial([qf1,qf2], P)

We print the statevector:

>>> print(qf1.qs.statevector())
sqrt(2)*(|0>*|0.5> - I*|1>*|0.5>)/2

We apply the phase function specified by the polynomial \(P(x) = 1 - 0.9x^2 + x^3\) on a QuantumFloat:

import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from qrisp import QuantumFloat, h, app_phase_polynomial

x = sp.symbols('x')
P = 1-0.9*x**2+x**3

qf = QuantumFloat(3,-3)


To visualize the results we retrieve the statevector as a function and determine the phase of each entry.

sv_function = qf.qs.statevector("function")

This function receives a dictionary of QuantumVariables specifiying the desired label constellation and returns its complex amplitude. We calculate the phases corresponding to the complex amplitudes, and compare the results with the values of the function \(P(x)\).

qf_values = np.array([qf.decoder(i) for i in range(2 ** qf.size)])
sv_phase_array = np.angle([sv_function({qf : i}) for i in qf_values])

P_func = sp.lambdify(x, P, 'numpy')
x_values = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
y_values = P_func(x_values)

Finally, we plot the results.

plt.plot(x_values, y_values, label = "P(x)")
plt.plot(qf_values , sv_phase_array%(2*np.pi), "o", label = "Simulated phases")
plt.ylabel("Phase [radian]")
plt.xlabel("QuantumFloat outcome labels")