Terminal Sampling#

terminal_sampling(func=None, shots=0)[source]#

The terminal_sampling decorator performs a hybrid simulation and afterwards samples from the resulting quantum state. The idea behind this function is that it is very cheap for a classical simulator to sample from a given quantum state without simulating the whole state from scratch. For quantum simulators that simulate pure quantum computations (i.e. no classical steps) this is very established and usually achieved through a “shots” keyword. For hybrid simulators (like Jasp) it is not so straightforward because mid-circuit measurements can alter the classical computation.

In general, generating N samples from a hybrid program requires N executions of said programm. If it is however known that the quantum state is the same regardless of mid-circuit measurement outcomes, we can use the terminal sampling function. If this condition is not met, the terminal_sampling function will not return a valid distribution. A demonstration for this is given in the examples section.

To use the terminal sampling decorator, a Jasp-compatible function returning some QuantumVariables has to be given as a parameter.


A Jasp compatible function returning QuantumVariables.

shotsint, optional

An integer specifying the amount of shots. The default is None, which will result in probabilities being returned.


A function that returns a dictionary of measurement results similar to get_measurement.


We sample from a QuantumFloat that has been brought in a superposition.

from qrisp import QuantumFloat, QuantumBool, h
from qrisp.jasp import terminal_sampling

@terminal_sampling(shots = 1000)
def main(i):
    qf = QuantumFloat(8)
    qbl = QuantumBool()
    cx(qf[i], qbl[0])
    return qf, qbl

sampling_function = terminal_sampling(main, shots = 1000)


# Yields:        
{(1.0, True): 526, (0.0, False): 474}
{(2.0, True): 503, (0.0, False): 497}
{(4.0, True): 502, (0.0, False): 498}    

Example of invalid use

In this example we demonstrate a hybrid program that can not be properly sample via terminal_sampling. The key ingredient here is a realtime component.

from qrisp import QuantumBool, measure, control

def main():

    qbl = QuantumBool()
    qf = QuantumFloat(4)

    # Bring qbl into superposition

    # Perform a measure
    cl_bl = measure(qbl)

    # Perform a conditional operation based on the measurement outcome
    with control(cl_bl):
        qf[:] = 1

    return qf

# Yields either {0.0: 1.0} or {1.0: 0.5, 5.0: 0.5} (with a 50/50 probability)

The problem here is the fact that the distribution of the returned QuantumFloat is depending on the measurement outcome of the QuantumBool. The terminal_sampling function performs this simulation (including the measurement) only once and simply samples from the final distribution.