QIRO MaxSetPacking#

Problem description#

This implementation utilizes a Transformation to a MIS formulation.

We therefore only need the Transformation function, and then use the MIS QIRO implementation.

Given a universe \([n]\) and \(m\) subsets \(S = (S_j)^m_{j=1}\) , \(S_j \subset [n]\) find the maximum cardinality subcollection \(S' \subset S\) of pairwise disjoint subsets.

Transformation to MIS#


Function to transform a Maximum Set Packing problem into a Maximum independent set problem.


The problem definition in analogy to the QAOA maxSetPacking problem


The corresponding graph to be solved by an MIS implementation.

Full Example implementation:#

from qrisp.qaoa.problems.maxIndepSetInfrastr import maxIndepSetclCostfct, maxIndepSetCostOp
from qrisp.qiro import QIROProblem, trafo_maxPackToMIS, qiro_init_function, qiro_RXMixer, create_maxIndep_replacement_routine, create_maxIndep_cost_operator_reduced
from qrisp import QuantumVariable
import networkx as nx

import random
# sets are given as list of lists
sets = [[0,7,1],[6,5],[2,3],[5,4],[8,7,0], [2,4,7],[1,3,4],[7,9],[1,9],[1,3,8],[4,9],[0,7,9],[0,4,8],[1,4,8]]
# full universe is given as a number of nodes - 1
sol = 12

G = trafo_maxPackToMIS(problem=problem)
qarg = QuantumVariable(G.number_of_nodes())

# set simulator shots
mes_kwargs = {
    #below should be 5k
    "shots" : 5000

# assign the correct new update functions for qiro from above imports
qiro_instance = QIROProblem(G,
                            cost_operator= create_maxIndep_cost_operator_reduced,
                            mixer= qiro_RXMixer,
                            cl_cost_function= maxIndepSetclCostfct,
                            init_function= qiro_init_function

# We run the qiro instance and get the results!
res_qiro = qiro_instance.run_qiro(qarg=qarg, depth = 3, n_recursions = 2, mes_kwargs = mes_kwargs)
# and also the final graph, that has been adjusted
final_Graph = qiro_instance.problem

# Lets see what the 5 best results are
print("QIRO 5 best results")
maxfive = sorted(res_qiro, key=res_qiro.get, reverse=True)[:5]
costFunc = maxIndepSetclCostfct(G)
for key, val in res_qiro.items():
    if key in maxfive:


# and compare them with the networkx result of the max_clique algorithm, where we might just see a better result than the heuristical NX algorithm!
print("Networkx solution")