Source code for qrisp.qiro.qiroproblems.qiroMaxCliqueInfrastr

* Copyright (c) 2023 the Qrisp authors
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
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from qrisp import rz, rzz, x
import numpy as np
import copy
import networkx as nx
from qrisp.algorithms.qiro.qiroproblems.qiro_utils import * 

[docs] def create_maxClique_replacement_routine( res, Graph, solutions, exclusions): """ Creates a replacement routine for the problem structure, i.e. defines the replacement rules. See the original paper for description of the update rules Parameters ---------- res : dict Result dictionary of initial QAOA optimization procedure. Graph : nx.Graph The Graph defining the problem instance. solutions : List Qubits which have been found to be positive correlated, i.e. part of the problem solution. exclusions : List Qubits which have been found to be negative correlated, i.e. not part of the problem solution, or contradict solution qubits in accordance to the update rules. Returns ------- newGraph : nx.Graph Updated graph of the problem instance. solutions : List Updated set of solutions to the problem. sign : Int The sign of the correlation. exclusions : List Updated set of exclusions to the problem. """ orig_edges = [list(item) for item in Graph.edges()] orig_nodes = list(Graph.nodes()) #get the max_edge and eval the sum and sign max_item, sign = find_max(orig_nodes, orig_edges , res, solutions) newGraph = copy.deepcopy(Graph) # we just directly remove vertices from the graph if isinstance(max_item, int): if sign > 0: border = list(Graph.adj[max_item].keys()) border.append(max_item) to_remove = [int(item) for item in Graph.nodes() if item not in border] newGraph.remove_nodes_from( [item for item in Graph.nodes() if item not in border]) solutions.append(max_item) exclusions += to_remove elif sign < 0: #remove item newGraph.remove_node(max_item) exclusions.append(max_item) else: if sign > 0: #keep the two items in solution and remove all that are not adjacent to both intersect = list(set(list(Graph.adj[max_item[0]].keys())) & set(list(Graph.adj[max_item[0]].keys()))) intersect.append(max_item[0]) intersect.append(max_item[1]) to_remove = [int(item) for item in Graph.nodes() if item not in intersect] newGraph.remove_nodes_from([item for item in Graph.nodes() if item not in intersect]) solutions.append(max_item[0]) solutions.append(max_item[1]) exclusions += to_remove elif sign < 0: #remove all that do not border on either! node union = list(Graph.adj[max_item[0]].keys()) union += list(Graph.adj[max_item[1]].keys()) union.append(max_item[0]) union.append(max_item[1]) to_remove = [int(item) for item in Graph.nodes() if item not in union] #to_delete = [item for item in Graph.nodes() if item not in union] newGraph.remove_nodes_from([item for item in Graph.nodes() if item not in union]) exclusions += to_remove return newGraph, solutions, sign, exclusions
[docs] def create_maxClique_cost_operator_reduced(Graph, solutions = []): """ | Based on PennyLane unconstrained mixer implementation. | Initial state in :math:`(|0>+|1>)^{\otimes n}` . | This operator is then adjusted to consider qubits that have been found to be a part of the problem solution. Parameters ---------- G : nx.Graph Graph of the problem instance solutions : List Qubits which have been found to be positive correlated, i.e. part of the problem solution. Returns ------- partialCostMixer : function The Operator to be applied to the problem ``QuantumVariable`` """ G_compl = nx.complement(Graph) def partialcostMixer(qv, gamma): for pair in list(G_compl.edges()): rzz(3*gamma, qv[pair[0]], qv[pair[1]]) rz(-gamma, qv[pair[0]]) rz(-gamma, qv[pair[1]]) for i in Graph.nodes(): if not i in solutions: rz(gamma, qv[i]) return partialcostMixer
""" BM: 18 nodes, seed 99 0.5933101570400762 normal 0.08909071112167886 """