Source code for qrisp.environments.quantum_environments

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# Abstract class to describe environments
# The idea is to start dumping the circuit data into a container
# (the .env_data attribute) once the environment is entered.
# Meanwhile, the original data of the session is stored in the .original_data attribute.
# The dumping is ended when the environment is left or a child environment is entered.
# The child environment will append itself into the container, once it is left.
# As soon as the most outer environment is left all the circuit data will be compiled.
# The compilation process is specified by the inheritor of this class.
# For instance conditional environments will turn every quantum operation
# that took place in that environment into it's controlled version.

# Another level of complexity is introduced by handling the quantum sessions.
# The problem here is that we want (almost) all quantum sessions,
# that operate inside the environment, to be merged into the environment session.
# The sessions we dont want merged are the ones that get CREATED inside the environment.
# This situtation represents the case that we have a foreign function from a module,
# which creates some gate objects, using a quantum session. If we merge this quantum
# session into our environment, the foreign function no longer works as intended.
# The strategy for solving this kind of problem is now:

# 1. At environment entry, all currently live quantum sessions are logged and the
# environments very own QuantumSession (.env_qs) is created. This QuantumEnvironment
# appends itself to the environment stack of these QuantumSessions.

# 2. Once the append method of a QuantumSession is executed, the environment stack of
# this QuantumSession is checked for Environment where the env_qs QuantumSession
# is not merged into. If this is the case, the QuantumSession's data will be transfered
# into the original_data attribute of the oldest env_qs environment
# that has not been merged into self.

# 3. At environment exit, every quantum session, that operated inside this environment
# is merged together.

# 4. Apart from the (de)allocation gates, all the collected data is stored inside
# the .env_data attribute

from qrisp.circuit import QubitAlloc, QubitDealloc, fast_append
from qrisp.core.quantum_session import QuantumSession

from qrisp.jasp import QuantumPrimitive, AbstractQuantumCircuit, TracingQuantumSession

[docs] class QuantumEnvironment(QuantumPrimitive): """ QuantumEnvironments are blocks of code, that undergo some user-specified compilation process. They can be entered using the ``with`` statement :: from qrisp import QuantumEnvironment, QuantumVariable, x qv = QuantumVariable(5) with QuantumEnvironment(): x(qv) In this case we have no special compilation technique, since the abstract baseclass simply returns it's content: >>> print(qv.qs) :: QuantumCircuit: -------------- ┌───┐ qv.0: ┤ X ├ ├───┤ qv.1: ┤ X ├ ├───┤ qv.2: ┤ X ├ ├───┤ qv.3: ┤ X ├ ├───┤ qv.4: ┤ X ├ └───┘ Live QuantumVariables: --------------------- QuantumVariable qv More advanced environments allow for a large variety of features and can significantly simplify code development and maintainance. The most important built-in QuantumEnvironments are: * :ref:`ConditionEnvironment` * :ref:`ControlEnvironment` * :ref:`InversionEnvironment` * :ref:`GateWrapEnvironment` Due to sophisticated condition evaluation of nested :ref:`conditionenvironment` and :ref:`controlenvironment`, using QuantumEnvironments even can bring an increase in performance, compared to the `control method <>`_ which is commonly implemented by QuantumCircuit-based approaches. **Uncomputation within QuantumEnvironments** Uncomputation via the :meth:`uncompute <qrisp.QuantumVariable.uncompute>` method is possible only if the :ref:`QuantumVariable` has been created within the same or a sub-environment: :: from qrisp import QuantumVariable, QuantumEnvironment, cx a = QuantumVariable(1) with QuantumEnvironment(): b = QuantumVariable(1) cx(a,b) with QuantumEnvironment(): c = QuantumVariable(1) cx(b,c) c.uncompute() # works because c was created in a sub environment b.uncompute() # works because b was created in the same environment # a.uncompute() # doesn't work because a was created outside this environment. >>> print(a.qs) :: QuantumCircuit: -------------- a.0: ──■──────────────■── ┌─┴─┐ ┌─┴─┐ b.0: ┤ X ├──■────■──┤ X ├ └───┘┌─┴─┐┌─┴─┐└───┘ c.0: ─────┤ X ├┤ X ├───── └───┘└───┘ Live QuantumVariables: --------------------- QuantumVariable a **Visualisation within QuantumEnvironments** Calling ``print`` on a :ref:`QuantumSession` inside a QuantumEnvironment will display only the instructions, that have been performed within this environment. :: from qrisp import x, y, z a = QuantumVariable(3) x(a[0]) with QuantumEnvironment(): y(a[1]) with QuantumEnvironment(): z(a[2]) print(a.qs) print(a.qs) print(a.qs) Executing this snippet yields :: QuantumCircuit: -------------- a.0: ───── a.1: ───── ┌───┐ a.2: ┤ Z ├ └───┘ QuantumEnvironment Stack: ------------------------ Level 0: QuantumEnvironment Level 1: QuantumEnvironment Live QuantumVariables: --------------------- QuantumVariable a QuantumCircuit: -------------- a.0: ───── ┌───┐ a.1: ┤ Y ├ ├───┤ a.2: ┤ Z ├ └───┘ QuantumEnvironment Stack: ------------------------ Level 0: QuantumEnvironment Live QuantumVariables: --------------------- QuantumVariable a QuantumCircuit: -------------- ┌───┐ a.0: ┤ X ├ ├───┤ a.1: ┤ Y ├ ├───┤ a.2: ┤ Z ├ └───┘ Live QuantumVariables: --------------------- QuantumVariable a .. warning:: Calling ``print`` within a QuantumEnvironment causes all sub environments to be compiled. While this doesn't change the semantics of the resulting circuit, especially nested :ref:`Condition <conditionenvironment>`- and :ref:`ControlEnvironments <controlenvironment>` lose a lot of efficiency if compiled prematurely. Therefore, ``print``-calls within QuantumEnvironments are usefull for debugging purposes but should be removed, if efficiency is a concern. **Creating custom QuantumEnvironments** More interesting QuantumEnvironments can be created by inheriting and modifying the compile method. In the following code snippet, we will demonstrate how to set up a QuantumEnvironment, that skips every second instruction. We do this by inheriting from the QuantumEnvironment class. This will provide us with the necessary attributes for writing the compile method: #. ``.env_data``, which is the list of instructions, that have been appended in this environment. Note that child environments append themselves in this list upon exiting. #. ``.env_qs`` which is a QuantumSession, where all QuantumVariables, that operated inside this environment, are registered. The compile method is then called once all environments of ``.env_qs`` have been exited. Note that this doesn't neccessarily imply that all QuantumEnvironments have been left. For more information about the interplay between QuantumSessions and QuantumEnvironments check the :ref:`session merging <SessionMerging>` documentation. :: class ExampleEnvironment(QuantumEnvironment): def compile(self): for i in range(len(self.env_data)): #This line makes sure every second instruction is skipped if i%2: continue instruction = self.env_data[i] #If the instruction is an environment, we compile this environment if isinstance(instruction, QuantumEnvironment): instruction.compile() #Otherwise we append else: self.env_qs.append(instruction) Check the result: :: from qrisp import x, y, z, t, s, h qv = QuantumVariable(6) with ExampleEnvironment(): x(qv[0]) y(qv[1]) with ExampleEnvironment(): z(qv[2]) t(qv[3]) with ExampleEnvironment(): s(qv[4]) h(qv[5]) >>> print(qv.qs) :: QuantumCircuit: -------------- ┌───┐ qv.0: ┤ X ├ └───┘ qv.1: ───── ┌───┐ qv.2: ┤ Z ├ └───┘ qv.3: ───── qv.4: ───── ┌───┐ qv.5: ┤ H ├ └───┘ Live QuantumVariables: --------------------- QuantumVariable qv """ deepest_environment = [None] def __init__(self, env_args = []): QuantumPrimitive.__init__(self, name = "q_env") self.multiple_results = True @self.def_abstract_eval def abstract_eval(abs_qc, *env_args, stage = None, type = None, jaxpr = None): """Abstract evaluation of the primitive. This function does not need to be JAX traceable. It will be invoked with abstractions of the actual arguments. """ return (AbstractQuantumCircuit(),) self.env_args = env_args # The methods to start the dumping process for this environment # The dumping basically consists of copying the original data into a temporary # container (here the list .original_data) and then clearing the data of # the quantum session. Once the dumping ends the data which has been appended # in the meantime is appended to the environments' data list .env_data and # the original circuit data is reinstated def start_dumping(self): qs = self.env_qs # Temporarily store the qs circuit data self.original_data += # Clear the qs circuit data to collect what is coming qs.clear_data() self.env_data = [] def stop_dumping(self): qs = self.env_qs # Collect circuit data into the data_list self.env_data += qs.clear_data() # Reinstate original circuit data self.original_data = [] # Method to enter the environment def __enter__(self): from qrisp.jasp import check_for_tracing_mode if check_for_tracing_mode(): abs_qs = TracingQuantumSession.get_instance() self.temp_qubit_cache = abs_qs.qubit_cache abs_qs.qubit_cache = {} abs_qs.abs_qc = self.bind(abs_qs.abs_qc, *self.env_args, stage = "enter", type = str(type(self)).split(".")[-1][:-2])[0] return # The QuantumSessions operating inside this environment will be merged # into this QuantumSession self.env_qs = QuantumSession() # This list stores the original data of the quantum session tracked self.original_data = [] # This list stores the data that is appended inside the environemt self.env_data = [] # This list stores the qubits that have been deallocated in this environment # This information is required because the need to be temporarily reallocated # to prevent compilation errors at compile time. self.deallocated_qubits = [] # Set the new relationships self.parent = self.deepest_environment[0] self.deepest_environment[0] = self # Acquire a list of all active quantum sessions self.active_qs_list = QuantumSession.get_active_quantum_sessions() for qs in self.active_qs_list: # Append self to the environment stack of the QuantumSession qs().env_stack.append(self) # Start the dumping process self.start_dumping() # Manual allocation management means that the compile method can process allocation # and deallocation gates. # If set to False, these gates will be filtered out of the env_data attribute before # compile is called. # In this case, the (de)allocation gates that happened insided this environment # will be collected and execute before (after) the compile method is called. if type(self) is QuantumEnvironment: self.manual_allocation_management = True return self # Method to exit the environment def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): if exception_value: raise exception_value from qrisp.jasp import check_for_tracing_mode if check_for_tracing_mode(): abs_qs = TracingQuantumSession.get_instance() abs_qs.qubit_cache = self.temp_qubit_cache abs_qs.abs_qc = self.bind(abs_qs.abs_qc, stage = "exit", type = str(type(self)).split(".")[-1][:-2])[0] return self.deepest_environment[0] = self.parent # Stop dumping self.stop_dumping() for i in range(len(self.active_qs_list)): # Remove from the environment stack if self.active_qs_list[i]() is not None: self.active_qs_list[i]().env_stack.pop(-1) # Create a list which will store deallocation gates dealloc_qubit_list = [] alloc_qubit_list = [] # We now iterate through the collected data. We do this in order # to make sure that the (de)allocation gates are notprocessed # by the environment compiler as this might disturb their functionality i = 0 if not hasattr(self, "manual_allocation_management"): self.manual_allocation_management = False # Filter allocation gates while i < len(self.env_data): instr = self.env_data[i] if not isinstance(instr, QuantumEnvironment): if == "qb_alloc": if not self.manual_allocation_management: alloc_qubit_list.append(self.env_data.pop(i).qubits[0]) continue else: dealloc_qubit_list.append(self.env_data[i].qubits[0]) if == "qb_dealloc": if not self.manual_allocation_management: dealloc_qubit_list.append(self.env_data.pop(i).qubits[0]) continue else: dealloc_qubit_list.append(self.env_data[i].qubits[0]) i += 1 # Append allocation gates before compilation if not self.manual_allocation_management: for qb in list(set(alloc_qubit_list)): self.env_qs.append(QubitAlloc(), [qb]) # If this was the outermost environment, we compile if len(self.env_qs.env_stack) == 0: self.deallocated_qubits.extend(dealloc_qubit_list) for qb in self.deallocated_qubits: qb.allocated = True with fast_append(3): self.compile() # Otherwise, we append self to the data of the parent environment else: if len(self.env_data): self.parent.deallocated_qubits.extend(dealloc_qubit_list) # Append deallocation gates after compilation if not self.manual_allocation_management: for qb in list(set(dealloc_qubit_list)): self.env_qs.append(QubitDealloc(), [qb]) # This is the default compilation method. # It simply compiles all subenvironments and the collected data to the session # For more advanced environments this should be modified def compile(self): for instruction in self.env_data: # If the instruction is an environment, compile the environment if issubclass(instruction.__class__, QuantumEnvironment): instruction.compile() else: # Append instruction self.env_qs.append(instruction) def jcompile(self, eqn, context_dic): from qrisp.jasp import eval_jaxpr, extract_invalues, insert_outvalues args = extract_invalues(eqn, context_dic) body_jaspr = eqn.params["jaspr"] res = eval_jaxpr(body_jaspr.flatten_environments())(*args) if not isinstance(res, tuple): res = (res,) insert_outvalues(eqn, context_dic, res)