Source code for qrisp.circuit.operation

* Copyright (c) 2025 the Qrisp authors
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
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import copy

import numpy as np
from sympy.core.expr import Expr
from sympy import lambdify
from jax.core import Tracer
from jaxlib.xla_extension import ArrayImpl

def adaptive_substitution(expr, subs_dic, precision=10):
    if isinstance(expr, Expr):
        return float(expr.evalf(precision, subs_dic))
    elif isinstance(expr, (float, int)):
        # TO-DO
        return float(expr)
        # TO-DO
        return expr

# Class that describes an operation which can be performed on a quantum computer
# Example would be an X gate or a measurement
[docs] class Operation: """ This class describes operations like quantum gates, measurements or classical logic gates. Operation objects do not carry information about which Qubit/Clbits they are applied to. This can be found in the Instruction class, which is a combination of an Operation object together with its operands. Operation objects consist of five basic attributes: * ``.name`` : A string identifying the operation * ``.num_qubits`` : An integer specifying the amount qubits on which to operate * ``.num_clbits`` : An integer specifying the amount of classical bits on which to operate. * ``.params`` : A list of floats specifying the parameters of the Operation * ``.definition`` : A :ref:`QuantumCircuit`. For synthesized (i.e. non-elementary) operations, this QuantumCircuit specifies the operation. Operation objects together with their Operands can be appended to QuantumCircuits by using the :meth:`append <qrisp.QuantumCircuit.append>` method. QuantumCircuits can be turned into Operations by using the :meth:`to_gate <qrisp.QuantumCircuit.to_gate>` method. Examples -------- We create a QuantumCircuit and append a couple of operations >>> from qrisp import QuantumCircuit, XGate, CXGate, PGate >>> qc = QuantumCircuit(2) >>> qc.append(XGate(), 0) >>> qc.append(CXGate(), [0,1]) >>> qc.append(PGate(0.5), 1) >>> synthed_op = qc.to_op() >>> qc.append(synthed_op, qc.qubits) """ # If only given the operation init_op (which can be portable) a copied instance of # this operation will be returned def __init__( self, name=None, num_qubits=0, num_clbits=0, definition=None, params=[], init_op=None, ): if init_op is not None: name = num_qubits = init_op.num_qubits num_clbits = init_op.num_clbits params = init_op.params definition = init_op.definition elif not isinstance(name, str): raise Exception("Tried to create a Operation with name of type({type(name)} (required is str)") # Name of the operation - this is how the backend behind the interface will # identify the operation = name # Amount of qubits self.num_qubits = num_qubits # Amount of classical bits self.num_clbits = num_clbits # List of parameters (also available behind the interface) self.params = [] # If a definition circuit is given, this means we are supposed to create a # non-elementary operation if definition is not None: # Copy circuit in order to prevent modification # self.definition = QuantumCircuit(init_qc = definition) self.definition = definition self.abstract_params = set(definition.abstract_params) else: self.definition = None self.abstract_params = set() # Find abstract parameters (ie. sympy expressions and log them) for par in params: if isinstance(par, (np.number, ArrayImpl)): par = par.item() elif isinstance(par, Expr): if len(par.free_symbols): self.abstract_params = self.abstract_params.union(par.free_symbols) else: par = float(par) elif not isinstance(par, (float, int, complex, Tracer)): raise Exception( f"Tried to create operation with parameters of type {type(par)}" ) self.params.append(par) # These attributes store some information for the uncomputation algorithm # Qfree basically means that the unitary is a permutation matrix # (up to local phase shifts). Permeability means that this gate commutes with # the z operator on a given qubit self.is_qfree = None self.permeability = {i: None for i in range(self.num_qubits)}
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns a copy of the Operation object. Returns ------- Operation The copied operation. """ res = copy.copy(self) if self.definition: copied_definition = self.definition.copy() else: copied_definition = None res.definition = copied_definition return res
# Method to get the unitary matrix of the operation # The parameter decimals has no influence on what is calculated # Rounding is usefull here because the floating point errors # sometimes make it hard to read the unitary
[docs] def get_unitary(self, decimals=-1): """ Returns the unitary matrix (if applicable) of the Operation as a numpy array. Parameters ---------- decimals : int, optional Amount of decimals to return. By default, the full precision is returned. Raises ------ Exception Could not calculate the unitary. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The unitary matrix of the Operation. Examples -------- >>> from qrisp import CPGate >>> import numpy as np >>> CPGate(np.pi/2).get_unitary(decimals = 3) array([[1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+1.j]], dtype=complex64) """ if == "barrier": from qrisp.simulator.unitary_management import np_dtype return np.eye(2**self.num_qubits, dtype = np_dtype) # Check if the unitary is already available if hasattr(self, "unitary"): if decimals == -1: return self.unitary else: return np.round(self.unitary, decimals) # If we are dealing with a non-elementary gate, calculate the unitary from # the definition circuit else: if not isinstance(self.definition, type(None)): self.unitary = self.definition.get_unitary() return self.get_unitary() # If no definition circuit is known, raise an error. # Note that the get_unitary methods of more specific gate families specified # by the inheritors of this class else: raise Exception("Unitary of operation " + + " not defined.")
# Method to return the inverse of the given operation. Again, the methods of more # specific gate families are specified by the inheritors of this class
[docs] def inverse(self): """ Returns the inverse of this Operation (if applicable). Raises ------ Exception Tried to invert non-unitary operation. Returns ------- Operation The daggered operation. Examples -------- We invert a phase gate and inspect it's parameters >>> from qrisp import PGate >>> phase_gate = PGate(0.8) >>> phase_gate.inverse().params [-0.8] """ # Check if the instruction contains classical bits => operation is not # invertible if self.num_clbits: raise Exception("Tried to invert non-unitary operation") # Check if a definition is available and invert it, if so if self.definition is not None: inverse_circ = self.definition.inverse() if[-3:] == "_dg": res = inverse_circ.to_op([:-3]) else: res = inverse_circ.to_op( + "_dg") elif == "qb_alloc": from qrisp.circuit import QubitDealloc res = QubitDealloc() elif == "qb_dealloc": from qrisp.circuit import QubitAlloc res = QubitAlloc() elif == "barrier": res = self.copy() # Otherwise raise an error else: raise Exception("Don't know how to invert Operation " + res.is_qfree = self.is_qfree res.permeability = dict(self.permeability) return res
# Method to create a controlled gate
[docs] def control(self, num_ctrl_qubits=1, ctrl_state=-1, method=None): """ Returns the controlled version of this Operation (if applicable). Parameters ---------- num_ctrl_qubits : int, optional The amount of control qubits. The default is 1. ctrl_state : int or str, optional The state on which to activate the basis gate. The default is "1111...". method : str, optional The method for synthesizing the required multi-controlled X gates. Available are ``gray`` and ``gray_pt`` and ``auto``. Note that "gray_pt" introduces an extra phase (which needs to be uncomputed) but is more resource efficient. ``auto`` will be transformed into a more efficient ancilla supported version at compile time if used in a QuantumSession. The default is ``gray``. Raises ------ AttributeError Tried to control non-unitary operation. Returns ------- Operation The controlled operation. Examples -------- We control a parametrized X Rotation. >>> from qrisp import QuantumCircuit, RXGate >>> mcrx_gate = RXGate(0.5).control(3) >>> qc = QuantumCircuit(4) >>> qc.append(mcrx_gate, qc.qubits) >>> print(qc) :: qb_4: ─────■───── qb_5: ─────■───── qb_6: ─────■───── ┌────┴────┐ qb_7: ┤ Rx(0.5) ├ └─────────┘ """ if method is None: method = "auto" if self.num_clbits != 0: raise AttributeError("Tried to control non-unitary operation") res_num_ctrl_qubits = num_ctrl_qubits if isinstance(self, PTControlledOperation): res_num_ctrl_qubits += len(self.controls) # Check if the method is phase tolerant if (method.find("pt") != -1 or method.find("gidney") != -1) and res_num_ctrl_qubits != 1: return PTControlledOperation( self, num_ctrl_qubits, ctrl_state=ctrl_state, method=method ) else: return ControlledOperation( self, num_ctrl_qubits, ctrl_state=ctrl_state, method=method )
# TO-DO implement more robust hashing method def __hash__(self): return hash(hash( + hash(tuple(self.params))) def is_permeable(self, indices): from qrisp.permeability import is_permeable return is_permeable(self, indices)
[docs] def bind_parameters(self, subs_dic): """ Binds abstract parameters to specified values. Parameters ---------- subs_dic : dict A dictionary containing the parameters as keys. Returns ------- res : Operation The Operation with bound parameters. Examples -------- We create a phase gate with an abstract parameter and bind it to a specified value. >>> from qrisp import PGate >>> from sympy import Symbol >>> phi = Symbol("phi") >>> abstract_p_gate = PGate(phi) >>> abstract_p_gate.params [phi] >>> bound_p_gate = abstract_p_gate.bind_parameters({phi : 1.5}) >>> bound_p_gate.params [1.5] """ new_params = [] repl_args = [subs_dic[symb] for symb in self.abstract_params] if not hasattr(self, "lambdified_params"): self.lambdified_params = [] args = list(self.abstract_params) for par in self.params: self.lambdified_params.append(lambdify(args, par, modules = "numpy")) for l_par in self.lambdified_params: new_params.append(l_par(*repl_args)) res = self.copy() res.params = new_params if res.definition is not None: res.definition = res.definition.bind_parameters(subs_dic) return res
def c_if(self, num_control=1, ctrl_state=-1): if ctrl_state == -1: ctrl_state = 2**num_control - 1 return ClControlledOperation(self, num_control, ctrl_state)
# Class to describe 1-Qubit gates as unitaries of the form U(theta, phi, lam) = # = exp(-1j*phi/2*sigma_z) exp(-1j*theta/2*sigma_y) exp(-1j*lam/2*sigma_z) # See # for more information class U3Gate(Operation): def __init__(self, theta, phi, lam, name="u3", global_phase=0): # Initialize Operation instance super().__init__( name=name, num_qubits=1, num_clbits=0, definition=None, params=[theta, phi, lam], ) if isinstance(global_phase, Expr): if len(global_phase.free_symbols): self.abstract_params = self.abstract_params.union(global_phase.free_symbols) else: global_phase = float(global_phase) self.global_phase = global_phase # Set parameters self.theta = self.params[0] self.phi = self.params[1] self.lam = self.params[2] if == "p": self.permeability[0] = True self.is_qfree = True self.params = [self.lam] elif == "rz": self.permeability[0] = True self.is_qfree = True self.params = [self.phi] elif in ["rx", "ry"]: self.permeability[0] = False self.is_qfree = False self.params = [self.theta] elif == "gphase": self.params = [self.global_phase] self.permeability[0] = True self.is_qfree = True elif == "h": self.params = [] self.permeability[0] = False self.is_qfree = False # Specify inversion method def inverse(self): # The inverse of a product of matrices if the reverted product of the inverses, # i.e. (A*B*C)^(-1) = C^-1 * B^-1 * A^-1 if[-3:] == "_dg": new_name =[:-3] else: new_name = + "_dg" # For exponentials of hermitian matrices, the inverse is the hermitean # conjugate, which implies that we simply have to negate the parameters # theta, phi, lambda res = U3Gate( -self.theta, -self.lam, -self.phi, name=new_name, global_phase=-self.global_phase, ) if == "u3": = "u3" # These are special gates that require only a single parameter if in ["rx", "ry", "rz", "p", "h", "gphase"]: = res.params = [-par for par in self.params] if in ["s", "t", "s_dg", "t_dg", "sx", "sx_dg"]: res.params = [] if res.is_qfree is not None: res.is_qfree = bool(self.is_qfree) res.permeability = dict(self.permeability) res.is_qfree = bool(self.is_qfree) return res # Method to calculate the unitary matrix def get_unitary(self, decimals=-1): if hasattr(self, "unitary"): if decimals != -1: return np.around(self.unitary, decimals) else: return self.unitary else: from qrisp.simulator.unitary_management import u3matrix # Generate unitary self.unitary = u3matrix(self.theta, self.phi, self.lam, self.global_phase, use_sympy = bool(len(self.abstract_params))) return self.get_unitary(decimals) def bind_parameters(self, subs_dic): new_params = [] repl_args = [subs_dic[symb] for symb in self.abstract_params] if not hasattr(self, "lambdified_params"): self.lambdified_params = [] args = list(self.abstract_params) for par in [self.theta, self.phi, self.lam, self.global_phase]: self.lambdified_params.append(lambdify(args, par, modules = "numpy")) for l_par in self.lambdified_params: new_params.append(l_par(*repl_args)) return U3Gate(new_params[0], new_params[1], new_params[2],, new_params[3]) # return U3Gate( # adaptive_substitution(self.theta, subs_dic), # adaptive_substitution(self.phi, subs_dic), # adaptive_substitution(self.lam, subs_dic), #, # adaptive_substitution(self.global_phase, subs_dic), # ) pi = float(np.pi) # This class is special for pauli gates. In principle, we could also use the U3Gate # class, but this could lead to unneccessary floating point errors class PauliGate(U3Gate): def __init__(self, name): from qrisp.simulator.unitary_management import pauli_x, pauli_y, pauli_z if name == "x": super().__init__(pi, 0, pi) self.unitary = pauli_x self.is_qfree = True self.permeability[0] = False elif name == "y": super().__init__(pi, pi / 2, pi / 2) self.unitary = pauli_y self.is_qfree = True self.permeability[0] = False elif name == "z": super().__init__(0, 0, pi) self.unitary = pauli_z self.is_qfree = True self.permeability[0] = True else: raise Exception("Gate " + name + " is not a Pauli gate") = name self.params = [] def inverse(self): return PauliGate( def __repr__(self): return # This class describes phase tolerant controlled operations # Phase tolerant means that the unitary can take the form # [D_0, 0, 0, 0] # [0, D_1,0, 0] # [0, 0, D_2, 0] # [0, 0, 0, U] #Where U is the operation to be controlled and D_i are diagonal operators #For a regular controlled gate, all D_i have to be identity matrices. #Phase tolerant controlled operations are usally more efficient than their controlled equivalent. #In many cases, they can replace the controlled version without changing the semantics, #because the phases introduced by the D_i are uncomputed at some later point. class PTControlledOperation(Operation): def __init__(self, base_operation, num_ctrl_qubits=1, ctrl_state=-1, method="auto"): # Object which describes the method. Can be a string lr a callable function self.method = method # QuantumOperation object which describes which action is controlled, # i.e. for a CX gate, this would be an X gate self.base_operation = base_operation # List of control qubits self.controls = list(range(num_ctrl_qubits)) # The control state - can be specified either as a string or as an int if ctrl_state == -1: self.ctrl_state = num_ctrl_qubits * "1" elif isinstance(ctrl_state, int): from qrisp.misc import bin_rep self.ctrl_state = bin_rep(ctrl_state, num_ctrl_qubits)[::-1] else: self.ctrl_state = str(ctrl_state) # Check if control state specification matches control qubit amount if len(self.ctrl_state) != num_ctrl_qubits: raise Exception( "Specified control state incompatible with given control qubit amount" ) # Now we generate the definition circuit. Note that most of the generation # process also applies to the ControlledOperation class, however this class has # more specific method (.inverse() for instance), # which is why we make this distinction # If the base operation is a ControlledOperation, the result # PTControlledOperation can be generated by applying the phase tolerant control # algorithm to the base gate of the controlled operation in question elif isinstance(base_operation, PTControlledOperation): if method == "gray": method = self.method self.__init__( base_operation.base_operation, num_ctrl_qubits=num_ctrl_qubits + len(base_operation.controls), ctrl_state=self.ctrl_state + base_operation.ctrl_state, method=method, ) return if == "gphase": from qrisp import PGate, QuantumCircuit, bin_rep definition_circ = QuantumCircuit(num_ctrl_qubits + 1) if num_ctrl_qubits > 1: temp_gate = PGate(base_operation.params[0]).control( num_ctrl_qubits - 1, ctrl_state=self.ctrl_state[1:], method=method ) else: temp_gate = PGate(base_operation.params[0]) if self.ctrl_state[0] == "0": definition_circ.x(-2) definition_circ.append(temp_gate, definition_circ.qubits[:num_ctrl_qubits]) if self.ctrl_state[0] == "0": definition_circ.x(-2) elif == "gray_phase_gate": raise from qrisp.circuit import multi_controlled_gray_circ definition_circ, target_phases = multi_controlled_gray_circ( self.base_operation, num_ctrl_qubits, self.ctrl_state ) self.target_phases = target_phases self.phase_tolerant = False elif == "swap": from qrisp.circuit import fredkin_qc definition_circ = fredkin_qc(num_ctrl_qubits, ctrl_state, method) # For the case of a pauli gate with a single control, we insert an extra case # since here is no need for any advanced algorithm here and we do not need # to apply the phase tolerant naming convention elif ( isinstance(base_operation, PauliGate) and num_ctrl_qubits == 1 and self.ctrl_state == "1" ): if == "x": super().__init__( name="cx", num_qubits=2, num_clbits=0, params=[] ) self.permeability = {0: True, 1: False} elif == "y": super().__init__( name="cy", num_qubits=2, num_clbits=0, params=[] ) self.permeability = {0: True, 1: False} elif == "z": super().__init__( name="cz", num_qubits=2, num_clbits=0, params=[] ) self.permeability = {0: True, 1: True} self.is_qfree = True return # In the case of an u3gate as a base operation, we first check, if the method # object is callable, we generate the definition circuit from this function. # Otherwise we call the algorithm for generating controlled u3 gates elif isinstance(base_operation, U3Gate): if callable(method): definition_circ = method(self, num_ctrl_qubits, self.ctrl_state) else: from qrisp.circuit.controlled_operations import multi_controlled_u3_circ definition_circ = multi_controlled_u3_circ( base_operation, num_ctrl_qubits, ctrl_state=self.ctrl_state, method=method, ) # If the base operation has a definition, we can simply apply the phase tolerant # control algorithm to every gate contained in this defintion. # This is done in the function multi_controlled_circuit elif base_operation.definition: from qrisp.circuit import multi_controlled_circuit definition_circ = multi_controlled_circuit( base_operation.definition, num_ctrl_qubits, ctrl_state=self.ctrl_state, method=method, ) # Raise exception if no possility of synthesizing a controlled game is known else: raise Exception( "Control method for gate " + + " not implemented" ) # Generate gate name if num_ctrl_qubits == 1: name_prefix = "ptc" else: name_prefix = "pt" + str(num_ctrl_qubits) + "c" Operation.__init__( self, name=name_prefix +, num_qubits=base_operation.num_qubits + num_ctrl_qubits, num_clbits=0, definition=definition_circ, params=base_operation.params, ) for i in range(self.num_qubits): if i < num_ctrl_qubits: self.permeability[i] = True else: self.permeability[i] = base_operation.permeability[i - num_ctrl_qubits] if base_operation.is_qfree is not None: self.is_qfree = bool(base_operation.is_qfree) def inverse(self): # Generate inverse operation by applying the constructor # to the inverse base_operation to get the meta-data right res = PTControlledOperation( self.base_operation.inverse(), len(self.controls), ctrl_state=self.ctrl_state, method=self.method, ) # In order to make sure the definition circuit is also correct, # we invert the circuit if its invertible try: res.definition = self.definition.inverse() except AttributeError: pass if res.is_qfree is not None: res.is_qfree = bool(self.is_qfree) res.permeability = dict(self.permeability) return res def bind_parameters(self, subs_dic): from copy import copy res = copy(self) if not isinstance(self.definition, type(None)): res.definition = self.definition.bind_parameters(subs_dic) res.base_operation = self.base_operation.bind_parameters(subs_dic) res.params = res.base_operation.params res.abstract_params = set(self.base_operation.params) - set(subs_dic.keys()) return res # Class to describe controlled operation # Very simlar to phase tolerant operations but with a more specifix naming # convention, inversion algorithm and unitary generation algorithm class ControlledOperation(PTControlledOperation): def __init__(self, base_operation, num_ctrl_qubits=1, ctrl_state=-1, method="gray"): super().__init__( base_operation, num_ctrl_qubits=num_ctrl_qubits, ctrl_state=ctrl_state, method=method, ) if num_ctrl_qubits == 1: name_prefix = "c" else: name_prefix = str(len(self.controls)) + "c" = name_prefix + def inverse(self): return ControlledOperation( self.base_operation.inverse(), len(self.controls), ctrl_state=self.ctrl_state, method=self.method, ) # For generating the unitary we don't have to generate the unitary by multiplying # the gates of the definition circuit. # Instead, we can use that the unitary of a controlled operation is # the identity matrix apart from the bottom right block matrix, where we find # the unitary of the base operation. def get_unitary(self, decimals=-1): if hasattr(self, "unitary"): if decimals != -1: return np.around(self.unitary, decimals) else: return self.unitary else: from qrisp.simulator.unitary_management import controlled_unitary self.unitary = controlled_unitary(self) return self.get_unitary(decimals) class ClControlledOperation(Operation): def __init__(self, base_op, num_control = 1, ctrl_state = -1): if ctrl_state == -1: ctrl_state = num_control*"1" if isinstance(ctrl_state, int): from qrisp.misc import bin_rep ctrl_state = bin_rep(ctrl_state, num_control)[::-1] self.base_op = base_op self.num_control = num_control self.ctrl_state = ctrl_state if base_op.definition: from qrisp import QuantumCircuit, Clbit definition = QuantumCircuit() definition.qubits = list(base_op.definition.qubits) for _ in range(num_control): definition.add_clbit() cl_control_bits = list(definition.clbits) definition.clbits = cl_control_bits + list(base_op.definition.clbits) for instr in definition.append(instr.op.c_if(num_control, ctrl_state), instr.qubits, cl_control_bits + instr.clbits) else: definition = None Operation.__init__(self, name = "c_if_" +, num_qubits = base_op.num_qubits, num_clbits = base_op.num_clbits + num_control, params = list(base_op.params), definition = definition) self.permeability = dict(base_op.permeability)