Source code for qrisp.alg_primitives.arithmetic.ripple_division

* Copyright (c) 2023 the Qrisp authors
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
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* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
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from qrisp.core.gate_application_functions import x
from qrisp import gate_wrap

@gate_wrap(is_qfree=True, permeability="args")
def q_int_div(numerator, divisor, adder="cuccaro", n=None, log_output=True):
    # This function performs integer division based on the following algorithm
    # Which is a reformulation of the division algorithm presented in

    # Q = 2**(n)-1
    # D *= 2**(n-1)
    # R = int(N)

    # import numpy as np
    # from qrisp.misc import int_as_array

    # for i in range(n-1, -1, -1):

    #     D = D/2
    #     if not np.sign(D)*np.sign(R) != -1:
    #         Q -= 2**(i)

    #     if int_as_array(Q, n)[::-1][i]:
    #         R = R-D
    #     else:
    #         R = R+D

    # Q -= 2**(n-1)
    # Q += 0.5

    # if D < 0:
    #     Q += -0.5
    #     R = R - D
    # else:
    #     Q += -0.5
    #     R = R + D

    # D *= 2

    # The D multiplications/divisions are realized by bitshifts
    # The conditioned Q -= 2**i operation is performed by NOTing the appropriate
    # qubit controlled on the condition

    # The R = R+-D operation is realized by wrapping applying NOT gates on the R
    # qubits before and after the addition controlled on the corresponding Q-qubit
    # This yields the desired behavior because (x' + y)' = x - y
    # where the prime denotes negation

    # The Q -= 2**(n-1) is simply performed by flipping the significance n-1 bit
    # The Q = Q + 0.5 is performed by adding an aditional qubit at the -1 significance
    # of Q and turning it on

    # The final conditional is performed similar to the previous condition
    # Where the variables which are being operated on are wrapped in CNOTs

    qs = numerator.qs

    if numerator.exponent < 0 or divisor.exponent < 0:
        raise Exception(
            "Tried to call integer division with non integer quantum floats"

    # n is the bitsize of the quotient
    # The largest possible number the quotient can take is
    # 2**(numerator_max_sig - divisor_min_sig)
    # We need one additional bit (why?)

    if n is None:
        n = int(numerator.mshape[1] - divisor.exponent) + 1

    # The quotient bits will successively be calculated/
    # added starting at the most significant bit.
    # As the algorithm produces empty bits in the remainder at the same rate as
    # quotient bits are required, we initialize the quotient as a 1 bit variable
    # Since the highest significance ist calculated fist, this bit needs significance n.

    # We initialize this float with a single Qubit which will be freed up
    # once the algorithm produced the first bit
    # We can't initialize variables with 0 qubits
    from qrisp.qtypes.quantum_float import QuantumFloat

    quotient = QuantumFloat(1, n, signed=True)

    # In order to determine the datashape of the remainder, we note that
    # within the algorithm, there are steps where the remainder variable needs to hold
    # larger+finer numbers than the final result for the remainder

    # The crucial step is the addition
    # remainder += divisor

    # Regarding the exponent of the remainder, we know that it has to be
    # less than the exponent of the numerator (so we can properly initialize)
    # But also less than the divisor exponent - 1 in order to properly execute
    # the last iteration which is a D/2 addition
    remainder_exponent = min(numerator.exponent, divisor.exponent - 1)

    # For the maximum significance,
    # we note that the divisor is initially bit shifted by n
    divisor.exp_shift(n - 1)

    # Therefore, the required maximum significance is acquired
    # with the formula for addition max_sig_add = max(max_sig_a, max_sig_b) + 1
    remainder_max_sig = max(numerator.mshape[1], divisor.mshape[1]) + 1

    # Create remainder float
    remainder_size = remainder_max_sig - remainder_exponent
    remainder = QuantumFloat(remainder_size, remainder_exponent, signed=True)

    # We now can initialize the remainder as the value of the numerator

    # If the divisor is signed we need to flip the quotient sign bit (why?)
    if divisor.signed:[-1], quotient[-1])

    from qrisp.alg_primitives.arithmetic import inpl_add

    # Perform iterations
    for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
        if log_output:
            R = list(remainder.get_measurement().keys())[0]
            print("R: ", R)

            D = list(divisor.get_measurement().keys())[0]
            print("D: ", D)

            Q = list(quotient.get_measurement().keys())[0]
            print("Q: ", Q)

            # print("Q: " + bin_rep(int(Q/2.**quotient.exponent),
            # quotient.size-1) + "(" + str(Q) + ")")

        # The sign bit of the remainder is the newly calculated bit
        # of the quotient of this iteration
        # Therefore we need to move this bit from the remainder to the quotient
        # We do this in a very "hacky" fashion

        # Remove from remainder
        remainder_sign_bit = remainder.reg.pop(-1)
        remainder.size -= 1
        remainder.mshape[1] -= 1

        # Add to quotient at position 0
        quotient.reg.insert(0, remainder_sign_bit)
        quotient.size += 1
        quotient.mshape[1] += 1

        # This next instruction is a bit involved to understand

        # If we didn't use the technique of transfering the bits from the remainder
        # to the quotient, we would have to call quotient.x() in order to realize
        # the initial Q = 2**n - 1 statement. In this case we would then afterwards
        # CNOT from remainder sign bit it the quotient sign bit from this iteration
        # Since x gate on the quotient qubit and the CNOT commute,
        # we can also perform the x gate after the CNOT

        # Translating this to our case we replaced the CNOT with the bit transfer,
        # we arive at the neccessity of an x at this point

        # Since the new bit was added at the least significant end,
        # we need to lower the exponent

        # This is to handle the D part of the statement "np.sign(D)*np.sign(R) != 1"
        if divisor.signed:
  [-1], quotient[0])

        # We constructed Q with one initial qubit, which will be freed up after
        # the first iteration. This does not produce a qubit overhead,
        # because the upcomming add function needs more than one ancilla anyway
        if i == n - 1:

        # Perform the D = D/2 instruction

        # We wrap the remainder in CNOT gates to make use of
        # (R' + D)' = (R - D)
        # where the prime denotes the negation
        for j in range(remainder.size):
  [0], remainder[j])

        # This perform the addition R += D or R -= D

        # Instead of executing this layer of CNOT gates,
        # we use the layer from the next iteration and only
        # CNOT the control qubit from this layer
        # for j in range(remainder.size):
        #[0], remainder[j])

        # We still need to make up for the fact that the next layer of CNOT
        # gates doesnt include remainder[-1]

        #[0], remainder[-1])

        # However remainder[-1] is also the control qubit of the next iteration
        # implying our plan of CNOTting the next control qubit cancels the
        # previous line

        #[0], remainder[-1])

        # In any iteration apart from the first, quotient[0] does not contain
        # the desired value because of the sheenanigans of the previous lines.
        # In detail: It contains the desired value (+) the quotient[0] qubit
        # of the previous iteration. We cancel with this command
        if i != n - 1:
  [1], quotient[0])

    # Since there is no more upcoming iteration, we simply perform the CNOT layer
    # without any further tricks.
    for j in range(remainder.size):[0], remainder[j])

    # This performs the Q -= 2**(n-1) instruction (the -1 qubit is the sign bit =>
    # the -2 qubit is the significance n-1 bit)

    # Handle the case that the divisor is signed
    if divisor.signed:
        # Create Qubit to account for the fact that we will add 0.5 to the quotient,
        # even though it only supports integers
        quotient.extend(1, position=0)

        # Add/Subtract 0.5 executed via (Q' + 0.5)' = Q - 0.5[-1], quotient.reg)
        quotient.incr(-(2**quotient.exponent))[-1], quotient.reg)

        # Remove 0.5 significance qubit (contains 0 now)

        # Incase the divisor is not only signed but actually negative, we CNOT the
        # remainder such that the upcoming addition circuit results in a subtraction[-1], remainder.reg)

    # Perform R = R +- D

    if divisor.signed:
        # Undo the CNOT
        pass[-1], remainder.reg)

    # Perform D = 2*D

    # Finally, if the numerator was signed, we flip the quotient sign bit
    if numerator.signed:[-1], quotient[-1])

    return quotient, remainder

# Wrapper for the integer division
# Supports division for quantum float of arbitrary exponent.
# And allows to give a precision threshold (prec)
# The resulting quotient variable Q_res has the property |Q_res - Q_real| < 2**prec
[docs] def q_divmod(numerator, divisor, adder="thapliyal", prec=0): """ Performs division up to arbitrary precision. Returns the quotient and the remainder. Parameters ---------- numerator : QuantumFloat The QuantumFloat to divide. divisor : QuantumFloat The QuantumFloat to divide by. adder : str, optional The type of adder to use. Available are "thapliyal" and "cuccarro". The default is "thapliyal". prec : int, optional The precision of the division. If the precision is set to $k$, the approximated quotient $q_{apr}$ and the true quotient $q_{true}$ satisfy $|q_{apr} - q_{true}|<2^{-k}$. The default is 0. Returns ------- quotient : QuantumFloat The approximated quotient. remainder : QuantumFloat The remainder which satisfying $q*d + r = n$. Examples -------- We calculate 10/8 with varying precision: >>> from qrisp import QuantumFloat, q_divmod, multi_measurement >>> num = QuantumFloat(4) >>> div = QuantumFloat(4) >>> num[:] = 10 >>> div[:] = 8 >>> quotient, remainder = q_divmod(num, div, prec = 1) >>> multi_measurement([quotient, remainder]) {(1.0, 2.0): 1.0} Now with higher precision >>> num = QuantumFloat(4) >>> div = QuantumFloat(4) >>> num[:] = 10 >>> div[:] = 8 >>> quotient, remainder = q_divmod(num, div, prec = 3) >>> multi_measurement([quotient, remainder]) {(1.25, 0.0): 1.0} """ # The idea is to bit shift numerator and divisor by s such that, # they are both integers. To increase the precision we shift N by -prec # (we'll see shortly why this increases the precision). # We write # N_tilde = 2**(s-prec) * N # D_tilde = 2**s * D # We then perform integer division giving Q_tilde, R_tilde such that # N_tilde/D_tilde = Q_tilde + R_tilde/D_tilde # where |R_tilde| < |D_tilde| # We now set # Q = Q_tilde 2**(prec) # and insert, which yields # N_tilde/D_tilde = 2**(-prec) * N/D = 2**(-prec) * Q + R_tilde/D_tilde # => N/D = Q + 2**prec*R_tilde/D_tilde # So the error is # |2**prec*R_tilde/D_tilde| < 2**prec # Because R_tilde < D_tilde prec = -prec s = -min(numerator.exponent, divisor.exponent) num_exp_shift = s - prec div_exp_shift = s numerator.exp_shift(num_exp_shift) divisor.exp_shift(div_exp_shift) # print("N_tilde: ", numerator.get_measurement()) # print("D_tilde: ", divisor.get_measurement()) quotient, remainder = q_int_div(numerator, divisor, adder=adder, log_output=False) # print("Q_tilde: ", quotient.get_measurement()) # print("R_tilde: ", remainder.get_measurement()) quotient.exp_shift(prec) remainder.exp_shift(-num_exp_shift) divisor.exp_shift(-div_exp_shift) numerator.exp_shift(-num_exp_shift) return quotient, remainder
[docs] def q_div(numerator, divisor, prec=None): """ Performs division up to arbitrary precision and uncomputes the remainder. Parameters ---------- numerator : QuantumFloat The QuantumFloat to divide. divisor : QuantumFloat The QuantumFloat to divide by. prec : int, optional The precision of the division. If the precision is set to $k$, the approximated quotient $q_{apr}$ and the true quotient $q_{true}$ satisfy $|q_{apr} - q_{true}|<2^{-k}$. By default, a suited precision will be determined from the other inputs. Returns ------- quotient : QuantumFloat The result of the division. Examples -------- We calculate 10/8: >>> from qrisp import QuantumFloat, q_div >>> num = QuantumFloat(4) >>> div = QuantumFloat(4) >>> num[:] = 10 >>> div[:] = 8 >>> quotient = q_div(num, div, prec = 2) >>> print(quotient) {1.25: 1.0} """ from qrisp import U_g_inpl_adder, h, hybrid_mult if prec is None: prec = divisor.size - numerator.exponent quotient, remainder = q_divmod(numerator, divisor, prec=prec) hybrid_mult(quotient, divisor, remainder, init_op="qft", terminal_op=None) U_g_inpl_adder(remainder, numerator, mult_factor=-1) h(remainder) # QFT(remainder, inv = True, exec_swap = False) # remainder += -1 remainder.delete() return quotient
[docs] def qf_inversion(qf, prec=None): """ Calculates the multiplicative inverse of a QuantumFloat. Parameters ---------- qf : QuantumFloat The QuantumFloat to invert. prec : int, optional The precision of the inversion. If the precision is set to $k$, the approximated inverse $q_{apr}$ and the true inverse $q_{true}$ satisfy $|q_{res} - q_{true}|<2^{-k}$. By default, a suited precision will be determined from the other input. Returns ------- result : QuantumFloat A QuantumFloat containing the inverse. Examples -------- We calculate the inverse of 0.75 >>> from qrisp import QuantumFloat, qf_inversion >>> qf = QuantumFloat(2, -2) >>> qf[:] = 0.75 >>> qf_inv = qf_inversion(qf, prec = 4) >>> print(qf_inv) {1.3125: 1.0} >>> 0.75**-1 1.3333333333333333 """ if prec is None: prec = qf.size from qrisp import QuantumFloat, x numerator = QuantumFloat(1, signed=False) numerator.encode(1) result = q_div(numerator, qf, prec) x(numerator) numerator.delete() return result